May 2023 SENET Updates: SENET Console, ‘Bonus Balance’ Improvements and Much More
May 2023 SENET Updates: SENET Console, ‘Bonus Balance’ Improvements and Much More
Oleksandra Bondarenko  •  12.06.2023

Greetings to all SENET users! The month of May is over, which means it’s time to introduce you to the latest updates to our system. Today I will share with you all the enhancements the ENESTECH development team has implemented.

Keep reading to learn about new SENET features and system improvements!

SENET Console Application

You can purchase the SENET Console to access the application on your TV easily. The SENET Console provides many features, including remote booking via the SENET Booking Portal, displaying administrator notifications, and customizing the screensaver for the login screen. It offers reliable operation regardless of HDMI or Wi-Fi performance, supports auto-update, and has a unique QR code for launching a gaming session.

'Bonus Balance' Improvements

‘Bonus Balance’ is the most popular add-on among our clients, as it directly impacts gamers’ loyalty and the financial performance of the gaming venue. In May, we fixed the billing of rates and subscriptions when the ‘Bonus Balance’ add-on was activated. Now when a subscription ends, clients will be immediately charged from their main balance.

Customer Feedback Form

We have created a feedback form to understand your client’s needs better. Now your guests can leave their feedback about SENET performance in Shell‘s feedback form and the booking portal.

Collect User Information

When starting a game session in the Shell, players can leave information about themselves: gender and age. This option will help you know your audience better and provide more personalized services.

Round Up Refund Amount

An essential update for refund checks on the purchase of goods. In the settings of the Cashier section, we have added the function Round up the refund amount, which allows you to choose whether your club will give a full refund to the client (with coins) or with rounding to whole numbers.



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Login Screen Updates

Update the screensaver via the admin panel easily. You can change the screensaver image using any relevant picture in a couple of clicks.

API Improvements

  • Deposit User Balance.
    Now you can remotely top up a user’s balance using the API. Connecting a payment system to your service or application enables your clients to top up their current balance remotely.
  • Start User Session.
    Also, via API, your clients can start a gaming session remotely. Thus, a player can select a free PC through the app and start a session. With this update, you automate the registration process. Enabling the option to log in from the phone relieves the venue’s administrator work since players can start a game session independently. Customers don’t need to enter the check number or their login and password on the login screen. Shell opens instantly, and the client can start a gaming session. Additionally, you can sell subscriptions and memberships through the site, while the money will be automatically credited to the player’s balance.


SENET team, as usual, is grateful to all clients who regularly share their ideas and experiences on the product with us, leaving them in our Backlog and the Feedback Forms through the CAP. Thank you for taking an active part in our interviews and surveys since it’s a crucial aspect in the development of any product.

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